You can register and pay by credit card using the form below
or you can mail a check payable to ORHS Class of 1979.
If you pay by check, please let us know which events you and your guests plan to attend so we get a head count.
The only activity that requires payment to us is the Saturday evening party – $70/person.
ORHS Class of 1979
c/o Access America
673 Emory Valley Rd
Oak Ridge TN 37830
Register & Pay by Credit Card
If you press the submit button at the end of the form and it doesn’t take you to a payment page, please scroll up and see if you filled out all the fields or if they want you to identify bicycles or fire hydrants or whatever.
No need to have a PayPal account. We’ll take your plain old credit card.
Please email us if you don’t get to the payment page.